When you arrange a massage treatment through Body Kneads Massage, you have the option of having your appointment in our home studio in Pacific Pines, or having us come out to you with our mobile massage service. Mobile massage offers you the added convenience of having your massage in the comfort of your own home, at work or wherever you may happen to be on the Gold Coast
You can also choose from a range of massage services as listed below:
- Remedial
- Deep Tissue
- Sports Massage
- Corporate Massage
- Also we provide Relaxation, Pregnancy and Trigger Point Therapy as requested
If you are unsure which massage type is the most suitable for your needs, please don’t hesitate to give us a call. We would be happy to chat to you about your individual situation and recommend a massage type and duration.
Information we may request in order to make our recommendation may include:
- Details about any health problems you may have
- Your expectations from the massage treatment, for example, stress reduction or pain relief
- The areas of your body that have been causing you discomfort
- Your level of activity, is it a sporting injury or repetitive strain from work
- Your past experience with massage and how you responded to the treatment
- If female, whether or not you are currently pregnant
In gathering this information we can make an informed recommendation to ensure that the massage service provided is of the highest quality and tailored to your needs. You can also choose between 30, 60 and 90 minute sessions and again, if you are unsure, we can help you choose the session length best suited to you.
Get in touch with us today to arrange your massage appointment!